scottrade is about the best price wise however:
Mutual Funds
<TABLE class=data_table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TH>Fund Type</TH><TH>Buy</TH><TH>Sell</TH><TH class=col_r>Exchange</TH></TR><TR><TD>No-Load, No-Transaction Fee
(NTF) Funds*
</TD><TD>No Fee</TD><TD>No Fee</TD><TD class=col_r>No Fee</TD></TR><TR><TD>No-Load Funds
(not in NTF program)
</TD><TD>$17</TD><TD>$17</TD><TD class=col_r>$17</TD></TR><TR><TD>Load Funds</TD><TD>No Fee</TD><TD>$17**</TD><TD class=col_r>$17</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1. couldn't i wave the $17 if i just went through the fund itself?
2. what is the NTF program? i'm only interested in no load funds.
NTF is the no-transaction-fee fund family. Currently, I believe there are over 850 mutual funds in which to choose from. All no load, and free to buy, and sell. Im sure you can find one in there that suits your objectives.
Im not sure about buying funds without a broker. If you can do it, do you sacrifice liquidity? Who do you sell to when you want out, if you side-step the broker? Also, you would possibly be forfeiting the option of check writing privleges that some funds offer.
If your concern is avoiding the 17 dollar fee every month when you buy shares, that is understandable. But dont buy a load fund, and you will not pay any fees. Coming or going.